I have some pictures from our 1997 trip on the Skyway at the Magic Kingdom. We rode it in 1994 but we didn’t take any pictures then. They removed the Skyway in 1999 and like so many others, it is another attraction that has gone by the wayside. When I was scanning the photos, it made me realize that I didn’t take enough pictures on the first couple of trips. But thanks to the interweb, flickr and so many blogs, you can visit these rides in spirit.
We start our journey in Tomorrowland and head over Fantasyland. There are only seven pictures that I have; I just assumed that nothing would ever change at Walt Disney World.

Things come and go at Walt Disney World. Some people never rode the Skyway and they will never be able to. Reminds me of Horizons. And the World of Motion. And Mr. Toad. And the many incarnations of the rides that existed where Buzz Lightyear now rules Tomorrowland.
For more great articles and pictorials about “Walt Disney World’s Desceased, Deferred and Deflowered”, visit Widen Your World. WyW has been around since 1994 and it is a complete labor of love for the author.
On your next (or first) trip, don’t forget to look up, take lots of pictures and most of all–enjoy yourself.
Ah, yes, the Pepto-Bismol or bubblegum castle; we have quite a few of those in our photo albums, too. Isn’t it strange to see how all remnants of the skyway have vanished with the exception of the superstructures in Fantasyland and Tomorrowland?
I guess there was some money saved by not removing the structures, or there could have been a larger architectural or design reason for leaving the buildings.
I loved the 25th Anniversary Cake. Mind you, I am glad it is gone, but talk about a great once-in-a-lifetime event!
the Skyway was the ULTIMATE Disney ride for fans wanting a birds eye view. I remember them taking it out of Disneyland after the tragedy that befell a rider who climbed out midtrip. Terrible. It’s creepy and somewhat sad to see the skeleton remains of the loading dock for the Skyway, especially in Fantasyland at Disneyland. Of course I more fondly remember the Disneyland version over the Magic Kingdom version. But the nostalgia is the smae nevertheless. I was probably only about 9 or 10 when they took that ride out for good. A crying shame.
I wondered about it being a true Disney ride for normal people because so much of the magic is dispelled.
But I agree that it is the ultimate ride for us Disney Geeks, tho’
See, I know I have the video of it…if I can just find it…
oh yes George do post a video if you have it! Maybe at some point I’ll rifle through my old photo albums and put up one with me in my 1980’s mickey shirt with the matterhorn behind me in all it’s glory while gliding through the air in my skyway bucket.