The Disney Geeks often write about Imagineers. They hold a dream job in a dream environment and by almost anyone within eyesight of this blog, are considered to be the best of the best. From time to time we have posted Daily Figments about Imagineers and have referenced books about Imagineering. The profession is so important to what we do that our site took on a new name a few months ago to reflect this influence. Part of our discussion about Imagineers centers on the type of people Disney chooses for this wonderful opportunity. How did they get there? What made them qualified? What was their previous experience? What did they move on to do after Disney?
In honor of our 100th Daily Figment (go us!), we would like to post something that we feel is of utmost importance, not only in answering many of the questions above, but also in a much deeper sense. It is rare that we go outside of the box here, because that box is Disney and the Disney box has such immense capacity and is constantly refilling. However, we ask that you give up eight minutes of your time to share this with us. I know that eight minutes is a lot of time, but the investment should earn you back your eight minutes tenfold in the next few days if you take the message to heart. The video is from a former Imagineer who helped design virtual reality attractions for Disney. You will learn a lot from this video, the least of which is a detailed introspective into the type of person Disney pegs to be an Imagineer.
To see the ten minute video, click here and scroll down the page.
The embedded video below is a mirror of the show segment. The first few minutes are an introduction, but the lecture follows that.
You can also see the whole one hour and a half lecture and other versions on YouTube. The following video is the entire one hour and twenty-five minute lecture.
Thanks, Randy!
100 figments!?!
your fingers must be pooped! thanks, guys!