Michael Barrier, author and animation historian, has just posted on his site that his book, Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation in Its Golden Age is on sale at Amazon for $5.59–an 80% discount. It is normally $27.95. We’re not sure how long this amazing deal will last!
After doing some more sniffing around Amazon, I found that Disney War by James Stewart is on Bargain Price. This is one of Andy’s favorite books. And you can’t beat $4.99.
Quantities of both titles are limited, but they are great additions to your Disney Geek library! If I had to choose just one, I would get the Michael Barrier book.
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Holy Cow! This is just what I need to start my Disney Geek collection 😉 Thanks for digging up these great deals guys!!!
They are great buys. Michael Barrier’s bio of Walt Disney is one of the best I have read, so I am particularly excited about Hollywood Cartoons.
No question, Michael Barrier is awesome.
Disney War was incredibly emotional for any Disney fan, even though the subject matter may seem business oriented. To see Disney rise so fast under Eisner and fall so hard under the same leader was gut-wrentching. It made me like the company more because the book ends with the Save Disney campaign that Roy was a big part of.
Thanks for the recommendations and sale notification. Ordered mine today. I have just started reading Barrier’s bio of Walt and so far it is exceeding expectations.
Thanks again fellow Disney Geek!!
Like Andrew said, Disney War was gut wrenching for me. It made me see Disney in a whole new light – as a corporation. However, Bob Iger has done wonderful things since he took over – otherwise I may not be the fan I am today.
Disney War is a FABULOUS book. I highly recommend it. Although it’s a bit dry in many places, the information in it is well-researched and fascinating enough to plow through.