Eye In the Sky

On our last trip, we spent a lot of time waiting on the parking lot trams since we drove down and had access to our vehicle. I had noticed these funny crane-looking contraptions when Andy and I were down for MouseFest. Andy and I saw a lot of them in the Epcot parking lot. I wondered what it was until I saw one in all of its glory at the Transportation and Ticket Center parking lot. This was the first time that I had seen the cab extended.

At Disneyland, the parking lot was one of the more theft-prone areas. The Disney Security force used the top of the Disneyland Hotel, the Pirates and Indiana Jones show buildings to keep an eye on the parking lots. They could spot car-jackers, muggers and people having vehicle problems (Koenig, Mouse Tales).

With the scale of the Walt Disney World property and the lack of large buildings near and around the parking lots, Disney uses another way to keep an eye on the parking areas. Besides the white Disney Security vans, these Eyes In the Sky help keep you safe, locate your car and call for automotive assistance if needed.

Oh yeah, don’t forget to look up the next time you are at Disney!

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