Walt Disney Treasures – Mickey Mouse in Living Color, Volume Two (1939 – Today)
arrived as one of my Disney-related birthday presents.
You bringing the popcorn?
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You got lucky is all I can say. Okay, I lied, I got more to say. Actually, I consider myself pretty lucky to get this DVD set (and “The Chronological Donald Duck: Volume Two”) at my local Suncoast video store. Sure, it was used which would explain it low price, but at this point, I don’t care. And both discs seem to play well enough for a used product. (“CDD:V2” is a used product also, but it, too, plays well on my DVD player.) Even so, the title is very rare to see on store shelves. We’re lucky we got ours when we did. And it’s a DVD set to be treasured, no pun intended.
I’ll bring the popcorn and the sodas!
How about some Krispy Kremes too? 😉
These DVDs are the real deal, definitely treasures. Congrats!
A belated Happy Birthday to you!
I am excited about the Treasures series. I do have a good collection of them (all the Disneyland ones) and the Donald, Pluto, Mickey, etc.
They are a lot of fun!