We got some very exciting titles last week. I am very excited about the Kurtti and Ghez titles.
- Walt Disney’s Legends of Imagineering and the Genesis of the Disney Theme Park
by Jeff Kurtti
- Mickey Mouse: My Life in Pictures
by Russell Schroeder
- Walt Disney’s Treasury of Cartoon Classics
by Darlene Geis
- Walt’s People, Volume 6
by Didier Ghez
- Walt Disney’s Disneyland
by Marty Sklar
- The Art of The Incredibles
by Mark Cotta Vaz
Don’t forget to stop by our site and leave some Disney Geek love!
For some strange reason, your book updates seem to coincide with a rapid depletion of funds from my wallet…
I just picked up Kurtti’s book when I was down in WDW this week. I’m looking forward to reading it.
If you think your fund deplete…trying being an ImagiWife…