In 2001, the West side of Center Street at the Magic Kingdom was turned into a new segment of the Emporium, creating one long shopping district that stretches from Town Square to the Hub. One of the areas that was lost was the Main Street Flower Market, as seen in postcard WDW-11605. Not only is the evolution of the characters evident, but make sure to check out the almost unwieldy plastic gloves they are wearing. At least Minnie still loves polka dots!

Main Street Flower MarketIn a picture perfect setting, Mickey has hundreds of brilliantly colored blossoms to choose from, as he picks a bouquet for Minnie.WDW-11605
At the north end of the Emporium is one of the two side streets that make Main Street seem longer than it really is. Here is the flower market, packed with colorful blossoms, both real and silk. A favorite picture spot, the flower market contains benches, flower wagons, and other props for photographic poses. The façades in this cul-de-sac are narrow and of different styles and are painted with different, contrasting colors. This gives the illusion that lots is going on here — far more activity and variety than the space might normally warrant. Flowers can be bought here at the Greenhouse — silk ones to be stored in the lockers under the train station or real ones (and topiaries) to be sent to the kennel at the TTC where a plant-sitter will take care of them until they are retrieved.
—Vinyl Leaves: Walt Disney World And Americaby Stephen M. Fjellman. p. 172.