Droid Tales: Star Wars LEgo, a DVD review
Droid Tales, the latest in the LEGO Star Wars series has just been released? Is this DVD set worth adding to your collection?
George: Sometimes it seems as if a franchise can do no wrong. Almost since the first video game release of a Lego-based franchise, the Lego series has been amazing. We’ve seen several Lego Star Wars cartoons and they’ve all been pretty amazing. We just received review copies of the Lego Star Wars Droid Tales and from the first few minutes, I knew that it would be pretty daggum great!
Jeff: The story revolves around the re-telling of the Star Wars saga, told through the eyes of Lego C-3PO and R2-D2. Of course, in typical Lego fashion, hilarity ensues, and it’s not always what you remember from the silver screen versions.

George: It can be a little strange to see it retold this way, but I liked the fact that Lego had to ability to change the story to fit their time needs (like doing a 22-minute episode). But, the Lego brand of humor was what drew me in, right from the beginning and kept me watching and laughing through all six of the episodes of Droid Tales, which they called missions. Each mission was made up of two 22-minute segments.
Jeff: This is obviously aimed more toward kids, of course. I’ve played most of the Star Wars Lego games with my son (or on my own, don’t judge me), and always loved how they managed to tell their stories with a wink and a nudge. That is on display here, but I felt like it was missing just a little bit of something from the original games. Not that it was bad at all, I just wanted a little more.
George: You mean killing off Jar Jar wasn’t enough?
Jeff: Not even close!
George: Well, there was enough to keep me interested. The humor was interesting and the series really poked a lot of fun at the prequels. I enjoyed the running gags with the trade dispute and Anakin’s temper. Overall, fans of the Lego games and cartoons are going to like this addition. It’s fun, quirky and will keep you laughing.
Jeff: There is nothing else on the disc, just the few episodes, and for some, that might be enough. I would have enjoyed a look at the making of the show, just to get a taste of how much say Lego has in the production, and the rules they may or may not have to adhere to in order to make it Lego and Star Wars-like.
George: Or even some features on the voices. Some of them were very close to the original actors and some of the voices were very strange. I think that this series was written less for the Star Wars fan and more for the kids of Star Wars fans. There’s enough to tie them back to the films and enough humor to keep it interesting.
Jeff: Overall, though, if you’re a fan of the Lego Star Wars series, or even Star Wars in general, than this disc is perfect for you.