Walt Disney World for Vampires, Zombies, and Others with VERY Special Needs Book Review

Walt Disney World for Vampires, Zombies, and Others with VERY Special Needs Book Review

Walt Disney World for Vampires, Zombies, and Others with VERY Special Needs by Dominick Cancilla, a Book Review

I’ve reviewed Dominick’s other books and I jumped at the chance to check out his latest book: Walt Disney World for Vampires, Zombies, and Others with VERY Special Needs. Dominick’s other titles have taken more of a fanciful and sardonic look at Disneyland and I wondered what I would find when I cracked the spine of his first look at Walt Disney World.

Walt Disney World for Vampires, Zombies, and Others with VERY Special Needs Book Review

As the title implies, this is a travel guide to Walt Disney World. And not one for the average visitor, either. Dominick takes his deep love of horror, supernatural, fantasy and science fiction and combines it with his love of Disney to create one of the funniest, most engaging and most intelligent books I’ve ever read about the Vacation Kingdom of the World!

Hidden Lincolns!

Dominick is also the creative force behind one of the more humorous Disney websites that I’ve ever visited: http://www.hiddenlincolns.org

Who knew that Walt Disney and his Imagineer’s hid images of Lincoln throughout Disneyland?

Dig if you will the picture, that you’re a shapeshifter, or a shrinking person, or a self-aware robot…how are you going to visit Walt Disney World and have a great vacation? Dominick runs through every genre, character or type of possible visitor and offers tips and suggestions.

Seriously, although Dominick is taking a different approach to Walt Disney World, it’s obvious that he knows his stuff—both Disney and scary stuff! I did so much laughing out loud (or LOL’ing, as my kids call it) while reading the book; it was a true pleasure to read it cover-to-cover. Dominick’s humor is smart and charming.

Also, Dominick does a fantastic job of showing us how Walt Disney World can be viewed by other groups and individuals. Even if they happen to be a minotaur.

Walt Disney World for Vampires, Zombies, and Others with VERY Special Needs Book Review

Dominick also includes suggestions on how to avoid triggers and possible offensive stereotypes for otherworldly beings. You don’t want to be a being of immense power and be angered by something from it’s a small world, right?

I can’t stress enough how intelligent and funny this book is.

Title: Walt Disney World for Vampires, Zombies, and Others with VERY Special Needs Book Review
Author: Dominick Cancilla
ISBN: 978-1683900627
Release Date: May 10, 2017

Are you going to pick up Walt Disney World for Vampires, Zombies, and Others with VERY Special Needs by Dominick Cancilla?

FTC Disclosure: A copy was provided by the publisher for the purpose of this review. This post contains affiliate links, which means that ImagiNERDing receives a percentage of sales purchased through links on this site. Thank you for your support!

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