Planning a Trip to Remember- Walt Disney World
Please welcome Sarah to ImagiNERDing! Sarah is the owner of Carolina Blogging’ (a great site for bloggers that live in North and South Carolina). She’s taking her family to Walt Disney World and is blogging about the process, sharing her experience as she plans a trip to the Vacation Kingdom of the World.
For most families, June and July are months full of planning for summer vacations, visiting family and friends, cookouts, pool parties and plenty of time outdoors. For us however, we can’t wait for the summer to be over. Why, you may ask when summer just got started? This is because we are going to Disney World!
That’s right. We are counting down the summer days until August when we will be packing up the car and hitting the road in hopes of making this summer an epic one before the kids head back to school. We are going all out as we start our vacation with plans of lounging in the pool at the Pop Century Resort, dining in style at the Boat House Restaurant in Disney Springs and experiencing what Disney has to offer with two whole days in the parks (Magic Kingdom and DIsney’s Hollywood Studios)!
Before we make our way down to Florida, we have got a ton of planning to do and a few questions to be answered. It has been at least twenty five years or more since either my husband or I have visited the parks and a lot has changed, but we have always remembered the magic of Disney. In fact, this will be our first “official vacation” together after having been married for seven years this June! We feel like a bunch of “Disney Newbies”. We’ve put a lot of work into planning an unforgettable vacation with our kids before they get too old to experience the true magic of Disney that we vividly remember as kids.

Fun Fact: One of my first memories of Walt Disney World dates back to 1989 with my family when 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was an attraction that you could ride. I remember vividly walking down the metal stairs into the vessel with my parents as if I were Capt. Nemo. I remember the eerie sounds of organ music setting the scene for what would become one of my most unique Disney World memories. Peering out through the “submarine” ports as it glided along the track, I saw scenes from the movie including scuba divers, tropical fish and treasure chests.

I don’t think we could put an age limit to the experience of Disney anyways. Mickey Mouse has been a part of my life ever since I can remember. From Saturday morning cartoons to the occasional movie in the theater, the characters from Disney have formed many memories of childhood happiness. These are memories I wish for my children to have an opportunity to make as we visit Disney World.
A quick background on me and what I’ll be blogging about before, during and after our trip. I am a frugal and food blogger. I met George of Imaginerding through one of my blogs, Carolina Blogging. I remember one of my first conversations with George as he shared his love for all things Disney and his Disney book collection!
P.S. – If George has not shared his book collection recently, I am humbly calling him to action to do so. He has books on Disney history, travel, food and more.
Thanks, Sarah! Here’s a link to my Walt Disney World book guide!
Early in May when my husband and I started planning for a trip, I knew I wanted to share my experiences as a family of four and our adventures in traveling to Disney World. Since our trip would include experiences outside of my blog niche, I saw Imaginerding as a perfect opportunity to document our experience to share with others.
Before we start our epic adventure, I wanted to share a few tips of what we have discovered so far. Stay tuned for future blog posts breaking down some of the main points to consider when visiting Disney World. We have done a considerable amount of research when it comes to pricing for tickets, eating at the park, the Disney Meal Plan, hotel stay and more.
I invite you to follow in our adventure and share your tips for making a visit to Disney a memorable one!
Follow me right here on Imaginerding as I share more post from this series, “Planning a trip to remember – Disney World”.
Do you have any advice for Sarah and her family?
Sarah is a frugal and food blogger over at A corporate employee by day working in the field of technical support and blogger by night; Sarah talks about recipes, kitchen tips, sensible and frugal living on her blog. She can also be found writing about her travels and sharing tips for bloggers at And now for the fun facts: first roller coaster with her dad was the Lock Ness Monster at Busch Gardens, first date with her husband was at Howl O Scream at Busch Gardens in October 2004 and one ride she will never ever ride is the Ring of Fire at the fair.
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