Vader at the Village 1980
For those of us old enough to remember the Star Wars craze of the 1970s, it should be no surprise that Darth Vader made some appearances at Disney World long before Galaxy’s Edge or Star Tours: The Adventure Continues. Let’s take a gander at Vader in the Village.
Yes, Darth Vader visited the Lake Buena Vista Village in 1977 and 1980.
Several issues of Eyes & Ears share information on special Star Wars events and promotions at the Lake Buena Vista Village (now, Disney Springs, more or less).
From the August 15, 1980 Eyes & Ears:
Members of the Time & Space Club recently had their Star Wars villain close at hand, as Darth Vader paid a visit to the Lake Buena Vista Village for a promotion.Slides of Vader’s visit, as well as science fiction movies, will be shown at the next club meeting, set for Wednesday. August 20. at 7:30 p. m. in the Cast Activities Lounge, second floor of the Center Building. All sci/fi fans are invited!
Disney had a Time & Space Club?

The July 8, 1980 VISTA employee newsletter shares information on some of the Dark Lord of the Sith’s visit.
Hot on the heels of the success of his latest movie, “The Empire Strikes Back”, everybody’s favorite villain is coming back to the Walt Disney World Village. Yes, Darth Vader is returning to sign autographs, breathe heavily and brag about how he beat Luke Skywalker in a fair lightsaber duel.
In addition to the presence of the Dark Lord of Sith, there will be a selection of Star Wars merchandise-including masks, posters, buttons, T-shirts, life-size character cut-outs and all sorts of supplies for young (and old) stormtroopers.
To tie in with this promotion, there will also be a “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” trivia contest on BJ105 radio .
Catch Darth at these special appearances on Saturday and Sunday, August 2 & 3, 2-3pm and 7-8pm on each day.
Vader Visits in 1977
In 1977, Eyes & Ears promoted a Vader at the Village visit in the October 14, 1977 issue.
Don’t forget that Don Post will be here this weekend with his “friend” Darth Vader, the arch villain from the motion picture Star Wars.All through this week, radio stationBJ-105 will be publicising the visit and giving away Star Wars masks and other prizes for the correct answers to trivia questions about the movie.Don and Darth will be here today, Saturday and Sunday, giving personal appearances under the Captain’s Tower in the Village, complete with music from Star Wars, posters, buttons, tote bags, T-shirts, iron-on transfers, and Don’s creations of masks from the major movie characters. They will be appearing from10 am to 12 noon, 2 pm to 4 pm, and 7 pm to 8 pm. Everyone is invited!

The September 30, 1977 Eyes & Ears shares another preview of Vader’s visit.
If the sound of heavy breathing followed by the words … “You are a member of the rebel alliance” sends shivers up your spine, we suggest you steer clear of the Village on October 14, 15 and 16, because on those days the guest of “honor” will be Darth Vader … the arch villain from Star Wars!
Darth (we are on a first name basis, remember) will be in the Village for guest appearances with Don Post, creator of many fabulous monster masks. Don will bring with him his latest line of masks … Darth Vader, C3PO, Chewbacca the Wookiee, and the Stormtrooper. All of these masks will be available through Toys Fantastique.
There will also be a local radio tie-in with Star Wars tote bags, buttons, posters and a trivia contest.
Keith Mahne at DisneyAvenue has some of the best shots of Vader’s first visit to Disney from 1977.