I’ve got some Geeky links for the start of your week!
Don’t forget to check out the three columns that I did this weekend at Mice Chat:
- The Disney Review: The Disneyland Encyclopedia – Is this a hit or a miss for theme park fans?
- Vacationeering: Jeff and I tackle Free Dining at Disney World.
- ImaginNERDing: A look at Garner Holt Productions and a major change for Disney theme parks.
Check out Jeff Kurtti’s latest Wonderful World of Walt column at Disney Insider. This time Jeff looks at Walt Behind the Wheel!
On with the links.
- Foxxfur at Passport2Dreams has solved another mystery. Kudos!
- Todd at the Disney History Institute looks at what might have been on the Rivers of America.
- Another post from Todd at the Disney History Institute: Circarama!
- Shane at Parkeology dispenses some real nuggets of theme park wisdom.
- Jack Spence at AllEars offers a seriously in depth look at the Pinocchio Village Haus.
- Hoot and Chief release more video shenanigans (I swear to God I’m going to pistol whip the next guy who says, ” Shenanigans.” ) with Horizons.
- Ryan at the Main Street Gazette has some new details that are hot off the presses! (See what I did there?)
Don’t forget to stop by our site and leave some Disney Geek love!