Destination Disney: Travel Questions and Photo Fun!

At the Destination Disney Travel Program at the Eva Perry Library in Apex, NC, we answered a lot of questions about planning a trip to Walt Disney World, Disneyland and the Disney Cruise Line.

The panel included Stephanie from MouseFan Travel, me and Elizabeth from the Eva Perry Library.

I wanted to share the list of questions that we received. Feel free to answer any that you want in the comments section.

  1. Do FastPasses run out? How do I get them and use them?
  2. How long should I schedule to do the Animal Kingdom?
  3. Where do I eat? (Yeah…that question could have taken all night.)
  4. How far in advance do I need to book dining reservations?
  5. What types of character meals are there?
  6. What are the advantages of the dining plans?
  7. What are the busiest times? What do we do when it is busy?
  8. I need info on the best place to stay at Disney with a party of five?
  9. Will my 6 year-old (who loves the Magic Kingdom) like Disneyland?
  10. Does Disney do Trick-or-treating?
  11. We are driving down. How long is the drive and should we break up the drive with a hotel stay?
  12. When do ticket prices go up?
  13. Can you get multiple FastPasses at the same time and using the same card?
  14. What are the Golden and Dream FastPasses?
  15. What are the best guidebooks?
  16. What do you thing of DisneyQuest?
  17. What types of discounts are available?

The audience was stunned into silence by the depth of our knowledge!

I gave away two copies of Fodor’s Walt Disney World® with Kids 2009 by Kim Wright Wriley. The copies were generously donated by Random House. Stay tuned to Imaginerding over the next week; I still have two more copies to give away!

Don’t forget to stop by our site and leave some Disney Geek love!

3 thoughts on “Destination Disney: Travel Questions and Photo Fun!

  1. In the first photo of the audience – Who’s the knockout in the red top in the front row? She’d get me to a Disney informational session any day. 🙂

  2. That would be me…thanks!

    I don’t attend those Disney events for any kind of information. I just do it to try to increase the attendance. Sort of a “See? All the cool kids are doing it…” type of thing. : )

  3. “That would be me…thanks!”

    Are you in some kind of a position where the cool kids will notice? I was thinking maybe you were related to one of the panelists.

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