Daily Figment 01 July 6, 2007George 3 We would like to introduce you to the Daily Figment. It is our way for the Disney Geeks to share some of the [...]
Interview with an Eight Year Old June 30, 2007George 2 All of the recent discussions about Epcot made me curious about some of my son’s preferences and thoughts regarding Walt Disney World. Although [...]
Happy Birthday to The Disney Blog! June 29, 2007George 1 John Frost at The Disney Blog is celebrating the third anniversary of his site. Run over there and post a quick congratulations to [...]
What Would Walt Do? Part Three June 24, 2007George 5 Talk about timing. John Frost at The Disney Blog pointed me towards this link about the name change (or lack of) to the [...]
Bob Iger is Rocking My World! June 22, 2007George 1 Honor Hunter at Blue Sky Disney has been doing a great job keeping up with the news out of Glendale, Imagineering and the [...]
Yours Truly, Charles Ridgway June 20, 2007George 1 As I have grown older, I have noticed more and more that one word drives how I feel about the events and occurrences [...]
Disney Rumor: Building a Better Mouse Trap? June 19, 2007George 3 The Disney Geeks have posted before about Disney building a Location Based Entertainment (LBE) center near us in Greensboro, NC. Honor Hunter at [...]
Father’s Day Dreaming: At the parks… June 17, 2007George 4 Just celebrating Father’s Day for all of you Disney Geeks out there. I wanted to share some pictures from past trips. Taking a [...]
What Would Walt Do? Part Two June 15, 2007George 6 When we parted last time, we were in the midst of a discussion about change. What Would Walt Do? Not only about change; [...]
What Would Walt Do? Part 1.5 June 14, 2007George Comment Not a real post from me–I just wanted to send you over to read Honor Hunter’s post entitled Creative Shockwave on his blog, [...]