Howl’s Moving Castle, blu-ray review February 27, 2016February 27, 2016George Comment Howl’s Moving Castle, blu-ray review Howl’s Moving Castle is one of Studio Ghibli’s best films. Jeff and George reviewed the Hayao Miyazaki film [...]
My Neighbor Totoro, blu-ray review February 26, 2016George Comment My Neighbor Totoro, blu-ray review My Neighbor Totoro was released on blu-ray in 2013. Jeff and George covered it on Communicore Weekly during [...]
The Good Dinosaur, a review February 23, 2016George 1 The Good Dinosaur, a review The Good Dinosaur was just released on blu-ray. It was the first time that Pixar released two films [...]
Lion Guard: Return of the Roar February 23, 2016George Comment Lion Guard: Return of the Roar George: I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started watching my review copy of the Lion [...]
Taste of the Carolinas at Carowinds 2015 February 22, 2016February 21, 2016George 1 Taste of the Carolinas at Carowinds 2015 Taste of the Carolinas in 2015 was the first year for the event for Carowinds. It [...]
Wreck-It-Ralph Blu-ray Review February 21, 2016February 20, 2016George 1 Wreck-It-Ralph Blu-ray Review Wreck-It-Ralph was originally released on blu-ray in March, 2013. Jeff and George reviewed it on Communicore Weekly (the Greatest Online [...]
Wings of Life, Disneynature Blu-ray Review February 20, 2016February 20, 2016George Comment Wings of Life, Disneynature Blu-ray Review Wings of Life, was released in celebration of Earth Day in 2013. Previous films from the Disneynature [...]
Beware the Power of the Dark Side by Tom Angleberger February 18, 2016February 17, 2016George Comment Beware the Power of the Dark Side by Tom Angleberger, a book review Beware the Power of the Dark Side is one of [...]
So You Want to Be a Jedi by Adam Gidwitz February 17, 2016February 14, 2016George Comment So You Want to Be a Jedi by Adam Gidwitz, a book review So You Want to Be a JediĀ is one of three [...]
The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farmboy by Alexandra Bracken February 16, 2016February 14, 2016George Comment The Princess, The Scoundrel, and the Farmboy by Alexandra Bracken, a book review The Princess, The Scoundrel, and the Farmboy is one of [...]