Star Wars Dark Disciple: A Review by Jeff and George July 30, 2015January 6, 2016George Comment George: So, we just finished Star Wars Dark Disciple and we know that you guys (and gals) are just waiting to read our [...]
Lost Notebook Herman Schultheis and Disney July 22, 2015July 21, 2015George 1 The Lost Notebook Herman Schultheis and the Secrets of Walt Disney’s Movie Magic by John Canemaker It’s hard to imagine how monumental a book [...]
Disneyland Book of Lists Review July 17, 2015July 14, 2015George Comment The Disneyland Book of Lists by Chris Strodder. 2015. 360 pages. George: How do I love Disneyland? Let me count the ways. No [...]
Star Wars Tarkin, A Review by Jeff and George July 15, 2015January 6, 2016George 3 Jeff and George Review Star Wars Tarkin by James Luceno George: I’ve been a Star Wars fan since I saw the original film [...]
Jeff and George Review Pinocchio by JB Kaufman June 24, 2015George 1 George: Sometimes a book comes along that is so monumental, that it’s hard to describe it. In 2012, J.B. Kaufman wrote two books [...]
Mini-Book Review: Chris Strodder’s Disneyland Book of Lists April 19, 2015June 21, 2015George Comment A full review will be coming to Communicore Weekly soon, but I’ve been enjoying Chris Strodder’s new Disneyland Book of Lists so much that [...]
Marvel The Avengers: The Ultimate Character Guide Book Review April 5, 2015July 7, 2015George 2 From Amadeus Cho to Yondu, The Ultimate Character Guide from DK looks at over 200 heroes and villains from the Marvel universe. I [...]
No Slurping, No Burping! by Kara LaReuau and Lorelay Bove March 21, 2015July 14, 2015George 1 We picked up a book the other day that I ran across. It was part of a new series that I wasn’t familiar [...]
Check Out My Review of The Lost Notebook! February 17, 2015October 23, 2017George Comment I posted my review of John Canemaker’s The Lost Notebook of Herman Schultheis and the Secrets of Walt Disney’s Movie Magic. [...]
Two Guys Named Joe by John Canemaker January 1, 2015July 14, 2015George Comment Two Guys Named Joe: Master Animation Storytellers Joe Grant & Joe Ranft is a book that sat on my shelf unopened for almost four years, [...]