Book Review: Tale As Old As Time, The Art and Making of Beauty and the Beast by Charles Solomon October 4, 2010July 8, 2017George 1 Book Review: Tale As Old As Time, The Art and Making of Beauty and the Beast by Charles Solomon Tale as Old as [...]
Book Review: Queens In the Kingdom June 9, 2010George 4 From the Archives:Recently, Jennifer, from Broke Hoedown, posted a podcast episode (Those Darn Cats) about Gay Days at Walt Disney World. Two years [...]
Book Review: Walt in Wonderland by Merritt and Kaufman March 21, 2010George Comment Walt in Wonderland: The Silent Films of Walt Disney by Russel Merritt and J.B. Kaufman. 1994, 176 pages (paperback released in 2000). Lafflets. [...]
Book Review: Hidden Mickeys, A Field Guide to… October 11, 2009George 3 Hidden Mickeys, 4th Edition: A Field Guide to Walt Disney World’s Best Kept Secrets 253 pages, 2009. Disneyland’s Hidden Mickeys, 2nd Edition: A [...]
Book Review Posted! January 16, 2009George Comment Walt’s People – Volume 2: Talking Disney with the Artists who Knew Him, edited by Didier Ghez. 375 p., 2006. Didier Ghez is [...]
Book Review: The Disney War by James B. Stewart December 29, 2008George 4 Disney War by James B. Stewart. 580 pp, 2005 (Afterword 2006). Andy published this review on August 7, 2007. I recently finished the [...]
Book Review: The Art of Mickey Mouse November 24, 2008October 5, 2016George 4 The Art of Mickey Mouse, Artists Interpret the World’s Favorite Mouseby Craig Yoe and Janet Morra-Yoe. 1991, 144 pp. (No pagination.) For this [...]
Book Review: Walt Disney World Then, Now, and Forever November 17, 2008George 2 Walt Disney World Then, Now, and Forever by Bruce Gordon and Jeff Kurtti. 2008, 184 pages. This book is a theme park exclusive; [...]
Book Review: Disneyland, Then, Now and Forever November 10, 2008George 3 Disneyland Then, Now, and Forever by Bruce Gordon and Tim O’Day. 2005, 192 Pages. This book quickly jumped into the list of my [...]
Book Review: The Disney That Never Was October 27, 2008George 2 The Disney That Never Was: The Stories and Art of Five Decades of Unproduced Animation by Charles Solomon. 1995, 214 pp. Charles Solomon [...]