Walt Disney World Railroad, a History November 7, 2011July 5, 2020George 7 Grand Circle Tour: the History of the Walt Disney World Railroad. Four out of five Disney historians will agree* that Walt’s love for [...]
Moonshine Express and Splash Mountain August 17, 2011George 4 The Walt’s People series by Didier Ghez is one of the hidden gems of Disney-related literature. Didier has collected hundreds of interviews with [...]
Theme Parkeology: Universe of Energy 1985! July 24, 2011February 6, 2016George 3 Theme Parkeology: Universe of Energy 1985 According to Dictionary.com, the term vintage, when used as an adjective, means “lasting interest and importance; venerable; [...]
America The Musical: Celebrating 40 Years of Walt Disney World History July 5, 2011July 4, 2015George 3 “America The Musical” appeared on the Castle Forecourt Stage from 1987-1989. I have seen a few conflicting sources that say it ended in [...]
100 Years of Magic: 2001 Disney’s California Adventure April 9, 2011George Comment During the nebulous 100 Years of Magic Celebration that swept the Disney Company in 2001, many different products were released to bolster sales [...]
Celebrating Walt Disney World: Walt Peregroy and Early Epcot February 16, 2011George 3 October 2011 marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. The Vacation Kingdom has seen [...]
Anandapur Regional Irrigation District No. 0015 January 7, 2011George Comment If you’ve spent any time in Disney’s Animal Kingdom, you come to understand that the theming has been done as naturally as possible. [...]
Margaret Kerry Dishes on Why Tinkerbell is at Disneyland! December 22, 2010George Comment The Walt’s People series by Didier Ghez (nine volumes released so far) is a fascinating collection of interviews from people that worked with [...]
100 Years of Magic: 2001 December 15, 2010George 1 Another entry in the 100 Years of Magic Celebration. Not quite a slap in the face (but pretty close), Disney shares the iconic [...]
100 Years of Magic: 1918 December 9, 2010George Comment Another entry in the 100 Years of Magic Celebration Trading Card Series. This time, it is 1918 and our boy Walt is standing [...]