Geek-End Update, Saturday, January 23, 2010 January 23, 2010George 2 Parka Blogs reviews Pixarpedia. Daveland treats us to more of his Florida visit (and some shots of books). Check out these amazing photos [...]
Book Update January 21, 2010George 2 I have two more books to add to my collection! These take my collection to 273 books about Disney. Mickey’s Walt Disney World [...]
Theme Parkeology: What’s That? January 19, 2010George 8 On a research trip to Walt Disney World, the Imaginerding research scientists were led on a Fantastic Tour of Forgotten Walt Disney World [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, January 16, 2009 January 16, 2010George 1 Around Disney (OC Register) posts a story about a sprawling backyard Disneyland train layout. Princess Fee at DF’82 shares a special window at [...]
Restaurantosaurus Book Update 03 January 13, 2010February 8, 2016George 2 We continue our look at the books that we found at Restaurantosaurus at the Animal Kingdom. You can find the book updates we [...]
Book Update January 12, 2010George Comment Celebration – The Story of a Town by Michael Lassell This is a glossy, photo-filled book about Celebration, the town that Disney planned [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, January 09, 2010 January 9, 2010George 1 Didier at Disney History starts the New Year with a look at the top books of 2009. Don’t forget his awesome Walt’s People [...]
Restaurantosaurus Book Update Part 02 January 8, 2010George 2 We shared a few of the selections of the titles we found on a shelf at Restaurantorous in last week’s post. There were [...]
Book Update January 6, 2010George 3 I had a nice surprise this week when my wife texted me that she had found two Christmas presents that she had hidden [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, January 2, 2010 January 2, 2010George Comment Samland starts a Design Series on Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Jamie at the Only WD World Blog shares some images of Space Mountain with [...]