Geek-End Update, Saturday, October 24, 2009 October 24, 2009George 1 Daveland starts a new Saturday series. Looks great so far! Jerry at Cartoon Brew reviews a fascinating new book by J.B. Kaufman. Michael [...]
DVD Review: The Legend of the Seeker October 22, 2009George 2 Legend of the Seeker: The Complete First Season 2009, five discs, 22 episodes. This was a series that completely swept by me undetected [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, October 17, 2009 October 17, 2009George Comment This update covers 10/4 to 10/16. Futureprobe has linked to a video with the new spiel for the TTA, er, Peoplemover. Kevin Kidney [...]
Meet Our Neighbor: AJ from the Disney Food Blog October 15, 2009George 4 The Disney blog-o-sphere has grown tremendously over the past few years with the addition of quite a few talented bloggers. It can be [...]
Book Review: Hidden Mickeys, A Field Guide to… October 11, 2009George 3 Hidden Mickeys, 4th Edition: A Field Guide to Walt Disney World’s Best Kept Secrets 253 pages, 2009. Disneyland’s Hidden Mickeys, 2nd Edition: A [...]
The Zip-A-Dee River Run October 8, 2009George 2 Michael Eisner became a proponent of building Splash Mountain the first time he saw the models that the Imagineers had built. It was [...]
DVD Review: Mickey’s Christmas Carol October 4, 2009George 3 Disney Animation Collection 7: Mickey’s Christmas Carol (2009) This is the seventh release in the Walt Disney Animation Collection Classic Short Films series. [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, October 3, 2009 October 3, 2009George 1 Princess Fee at DF’82 looks at some steam power from Disneyland Paris. She also posts another great Point Photo! Michael Crawford at Progress [...]
Belated Geek-End Update, Tuesday, September 29, 2009 September 29, 2009George Comment I was on a research trip to Walt Disney World this weekend, hence the delay in the Geek-End update. This update includes posts [...]