The Electrical Water Pageant on the Seven Seas Lagoon November 21, 2008George 3 The Electrical Water Pageant on the Seven Seas LagoonOriginally uploaded by Jeff B. Fellow Disney Geek and avid photographer, Jeff B, has taken [...]
Wayback with Beacon Joe on the Rivers of America November 19, 2008February 6, 2016George 5 Wayback with Beacon Joe on the Rivers of America at the Magic Kingdom As we continue our Way Back look at 1985 Walt [...]
Book Review: Walt Disney World Then, Now, and Forever November 17, 2008George 2 Walt Disney World Then, Now, and Forever by Bruce Gordon and Jeff Kurtti. 2008, 184 pages. This book is a theme park exclusive; [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, November 15, 2008 November 15, 2008George 1 Daveland posts a Pirates mystery at his Pirates blog. Any thoughts? Steve from the TAG blog posts a short interview with Charlie Downs. [...]
Did I Say Candy? November 14, 2008George 4 Apparently, I spoke very highly of the candy from Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party on the WDW Radio Show with Lou Mongello. Colin, from [...]
Way Back! November 12, 2008George 2 A very faithful reader sent in some scans of her August 1985 trip to Walt Disney World. I thought it would make a [...]
Book Review: Disneyland, Then, Now and Forever November 10, 2008George 3 Disneyland Then, Now, and Forever by Bruce Gordon and Tim O’Day. 2005, 192 Pages. This book quickly jumped into the list of my [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, November 8, 2008 November 8, 2008George 1 Doc Terminus at Passamaquoddy updates us on the Studio Tour. Daveland has some photos of the playground at the Disneyland Hotel–from 1956. Mark [...]
Disney Book Signings @ Disneyland! November 7, 2008George 2 For all of my Disney Geek brethren on the West Coast… Book Signings with Don Hahn & Jeff Kurtti Walt Disney Animation Studios [...]
Book Update November 6, 2008George Comment Creating Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a Life at Disney by Lee Cockerell arrived yesterday. The reviews have been very positive! [...]