Geek-End Update November 1, 2008George Comment Daveland has celebrated his 800th post! Congrats to one of the friendliest and most enthusiastic bloggers ever! Princess Fee at DF’82 takes us [...]
Book Review: The Disney That Never Was October 27, 2008George 2 The Disney That Never Was: The Stories and Art of Five Decades of Unproduced Animation by Charles Solomon. 1995, 214 pp. Charles Solomon [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, October 25, 2008 October 25, 2008George 1 Jeff Pepper at 2719 Hyperion has a look at a 1939 ad for the San Francisco’s Golden Gate Exposition. Michael at AllThingsDisney posts [...]
Book Update! October 24, 2008George Comment Three new titles to share with you! Don Hahn’s Alchemy title looks astounding. The Alchemy of Animation: Making an Animated Film in the [...]
Fromage Homage October 22, 2008George 2 Do you happen to know the secret behind the name on a crate in the queue for the Jungle Cruise? What about the [...]
Book Review: The Mouse Machine October 20, 2008George 2 The Mouse Machine: Disney and Technology by J.P. Telotte. 232 pages, 2008. The Mouse Machine was a book that I was very excited [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, October 18, 2008 October 18, 2008George Comment Didier at Disney History gives an update on Walt’s People, volume 7. It looks very exciting! Ryan at Main Street Gazette has a [...]
Destination Disney: Travel Questions and Photo Fun! October 16, 2008George 3 At the Destination Disney Travel Program at the Eva Perry Library in Apex, NC, we answered a lot of questions about planning a [...]
Program Tonight? October 14, 2008George 2 This message was sent from my phone. Don’t forget to stop by our site and leave some Disney Geek love! [...]
Lou’s Not So Scary WDW Radio Show! October 13, 2008George 3 This week, on the WDW Radio Show, Lou Mongello and I discuss Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party held at the Magic Kingdom. [...]