Meet Our Neighbor: Greg (aka DOC) from The Disney Obsession September 15, 2008George 4 Occasionally, we ask one of our good blogging buddies to answer a series of precise and predetermined questions. Andrew and I spent years [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, September 13 2008 September 13, 2008George Comment Hans Perk at A Film L.A. posts some pictures that he took of the multi-plane camera from the archives. Jeff Pepper at 2719 [...]
Book Update September 12, 2008George 3 The first three books in the update look absolutely stunning. The last one is a juvenile biography that is mostly pictures. I can’t [...]
Did You Hear That? September 10, 2008George 3 Crossing Main Street USA at Disneyland is Center Street. Center Street East and West, to be exact. Turning right the Market House at [...]
Book Review: A Brush With Disney (Herb Ryman) September 8, 2008George 3 A Brush with Disney : An Artist’s Journey, Told through the words and works of Herbert Dickens Ryman 252 pages, 2000.This is an [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, September 6, 2008 September 6, 2008George 2 Princess Fee at DF’82 posts a fantastic alternate translation of a ride sign from Disneyland Paris. Jenny at the Blackwing Diaries has posted [...]
Book Update! September 5, 2008George 3 We got some very exciting titles last week. I am very excited about the Kurtti and Ghez titles. Walt Disney’s Legends of Imagineering [...]
Walt and Libraries September 3, 2008George 3 I stumbled across this letter from Walt Disney to Irene Gentry of the Kansas City Public Library. I would assume that it is [...]
Geek-End Update, Saturday, August 30, 2008 August 30, 2008George 1 Jeff Pepper from 2719 Hyperion reviews the book, Walt Disney’s Imagineering Legends. Jessica from If We Can Dream It shares some more Crates [...]
Book Update! August 29, 2008George 1 We have some more books for our collection: Celebration, U.S.A.: Living in Disney’s Brave New Town Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse Club: a Golden [...]