Geek-End Update, May 17, 2008 May 17, 2008George 3 Jeff Pepper at 2719 Hyperion talks about collecting, investing and what Disneyana really means to us. Hans Perk from A Film L.A. posts [...]
Benches May 16, 2008George 4 Almost a year ago, Jessica, from If We Can Dream It, pretty much shocked all of us in the Disney blog-O-sphere with her [...]
Reader Requests May 15, 2008George 4 Imaginerding reader Anna sent me an e-mail and I wanted to see if anyone out there could help answer the question: I’m hoping [...]
Meet Our Nieghbor – Ryan from Main St. Gazette May 14, 2008George 6 Ryan has been blogging, rhapsodizing and reminiscing at Main Street Gazette for over 9 months. That makes him a blogging grandaddy in the [...]
Happy Anniversary May 12, 2008George 19 Andrew and I started our blog one year ago, on May 12, 2007. He had just returned from an amazing week-long family vacation [...]
Haiku! Gesundheit! May 12, 2008George 1 Hello friends, I am back from a long slumber beneath the warmth of two new babies. It has been a while since I [...]
Geek-End Update, May 10, 2008 May 10, 2008George 2 Michael Sporn shares some wonderful art from Fantasia. There’s some more here. Matterhorn 1959 shares a picture from the Burbank Studio in 1940. [...]
Say It Fast May 8, 2008George 2 A great detail from the amazing queue of Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin at Disneyland… You know the drill: Peter Piper picked a [...]
Be Our Guest Post May 7, 2008George 3 A friend of mine, Elizabeth Caran is a librarian and Disney Geek. I ran into her on Disfriends–I couldn’t believe there was another [...]
Book Review: Walt’s People Volume 1 May 6, 2008George 1 Walt’s People Volume 1: Talking Disney With The Artists Who Knew Him by Didier Ghez. (2005, 272 pages.) Didier Ghez runs two very [...]