Daily Figment 171: Where all the Villains Shop! February 25, 2008George 3 Our adopted Taylor/Nerdy Boys sister, Jessica from If We Can Dream It, sent us this post about the villains from the World of [...]
Geek-End Update February 23, 2007 February 23, 2008George 1 Ryan at Main St. Gazette takes a look at George McGinnis’ contributions to The Black Hole. Jeff Pepper answers another question from the [...]
Daily Figment 170 February 22, 2008George Comment Since Dave has repeatedly asked for something with the Evil Queen (the squeaky wheel gets the grease), we have decided to grant his [...]
Daily Figment 169: Hooked on Poll Results February 21, 2008George 3 Continuing with the Disney Villains theme from yesterday’s post, let’s take a look at the results from our most recent poll. It was [...]
Lou’s In the News! February 21, 2008George 2 For those keeping up with all that Lou Mongello does… He was quoted in a Tuesday, February 19 Orlando Sentinel article by Scott [...]
Daily Figment 168: Chernabog February 20, 2008George 4 Our good friend, Glenn from Passamaquoddy, sent us a missive about his favorite villain. The Ultimate Evil gets a bum wrap. Just ask [...]
Daily Figment 167: Big Willie Style! February 19, 2008George 1 This week we are taking a closer look at Disney Villains at Imaginerding. One of our favorite villain details is also located in [...]
Daily Figment 166: Book Review – The Disney Villain February 17, 2008George 2 The Disney Villain is a beautiful work by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, two of Walt’s Nine Old Men. I’m not sure if [...]
Geek-End Update February 16, 2008 February 16, 2008George 2 Ed from the Blog Wore Tennis Shoes posts about a Disney Trivia book from 1984 that might have doubled as a Disney Channel [...]
Daily Figment 165: Time Enough At Last February 15, 2008George 6 Submitted For Your Approval… Witness Mr. Henry Bemis, a charter member in the fraternity of dreamers. A bookish little man whose passion is [...]