Daily Figment 158 – Book Review: Inside the Mouse February 4, 2008George 6 Inside the Mouse: Work and Play at Disney World, The Project on Disney. 1995, 250 pages. Did you ever have a book that [...]
Geek-End Update: February 2, 2008 February 2, 2008George 1 Jeff from 2719 Hyperion has a freeze frame focusing on a 1936 Mickey short: a veritable who’s who. Thad K. at Animation ID [...]
Daily Figment 157: I won! February 1, 2008George 7 We don’t like to brag at Imaginerding very often (yeah, right)…but I won a free StudiosCentral.com t-shirt! Glenn (one of Hochberg’s cronies) posted [...]
Daily Figment 156: Book Review – The New York World’s Fair 1939/1940 January 31, 2008March 3, 2016George 8 The New York World’s Fair 1939/1940 in 155 Photographs by Richard Wurts and Others I loved this book. It isn’t the typical book [...]
Daily Figment 155: Theming is Everywhere! January 30, 2008George 2 Theming is everywhere at Walt Disney World. Take this sign in the picture below, for instance. No, it isn’t announcing the new ejector [...]
Daily Figment 154: Build This January 29, 2008George Comment One of my favorite Disney books is The Disney Mountains by Jason Surrell. Jason has my dream job–not only is he an Imagineer, [...]
Daily Figment 153: Who is Your Favorite Disney Villain? January 28, 2008George 8 In honor of one of my daughter’s favorite books, this week’s poll question is inspired by the nastiest of the nastiest…Disney Villains. Disney’s [...]
Geek-End Update January 26, 2008 January 26, 2008George 2 Check out these links…make sure to leave them some Disney Geek love! Andy at the Backside of Water has a detail shot of [...]
Daily Figment 152: Is George Looking? January 25, 2008George 8 Daily Figment 152: Is George Looking? Shhhh…. Come here, you gotta’ see this. Whatever you do though, don’t tell George I posted this [...]
Daily Figment 151: Book Update Restaurantosaurus 04 January 24, 2008George 1 Our next look at some of the books that we found at Restaurantosaurus has some real winners. Previous Restaurantosaurus book updates can be [...]