Daily Figment 150: Park Icon Poll Results January 23, 2008George Comment Our first poll winner of 2008 is Cinderella’s Castle! Cinderella’s Castle 59 (42%)Spaceship Earth 53 (37%)Sorcerer’s Hat 3(2%)Tree of Life 9 (6%)Sleeping Beauty’s [...]
Daily Figment 149: I know Why the Caged Lou Runs…* January 22, 2008George 2 Jessica posted the first picture of Lou and Deanna at the finish line for the WDW half marathon that took place on Saturday, [...]
Daily Figment 148: Restaurantosaurus Book Update 03 January 21, 2008George 2 We continue our look at the books that we found at Restaurantosaurus at the Animal Kingdom. You can find the book updates we [...]
Geek-end Update: January 19, 2008 January 19, 2008George Comment Ray has a great post about Quality over at Grumpy’s Hollow. What is interesting is that he doesn’t directly mention us. Go figure! [...]
Daily Figment 147: You are…Renaissance People January 18, 2008George 2 At MouseFest last year, Andrew and I got the chance to tour the Epcot Museum at Innoventions West with Glenn from Passamaquoddy. The [...]
Daily Figment 146: Look Out!!!! January 17, 2008George 5 It’s easy to miss the details at the Disney parks when you are running around dehydrated, fighting lines, battling the heat and attempting [...]
Daily Figment 145: Quality, Ray and Marty January 16, 2008George 2 Ray, from Grumpy’s Hollow, has written a post about quality, theme parks, Imagineering and us. At least us in the sense of theme [...]
Still Pollin’! January 15, 2008George 4 We wanted to remind everyone about our poll that is conveniently located over in the column to the right. Place your vote. You [...]
Daily Figment 144: Restaurantosaurus Book Update Part 02 January 15, 2008George Comment We shared a few of the selections of the titles we found on a shelf at Restaurantorous in yesterday’s post. There were a [...]
Daily Figment 143: Restaurantosaurus Book Update Part 01 January 14, 2008George 2 As we’ve shared in two earlier posts, we ran into quite a few books during MouseFest this past December. Some were real and [...]