Book Update – Disney Picture Dictionary November 27, 2007George Comment Here is one that my wife won in a multi-book auction. Obviously geared towards the Disney Geek-In-Training, it has over 900 entries, most [...]
Daily Figment 113 – 1976 Transportation & Ticket Center November 27, 2007May 20, 2016George Comment 6. Transportation & Ticket Center – Your “port of entry” for Walt Disney World adventures. Monorail trains, ferry boats and motor [...]
Meet our Neighbor: Foxxfur Chapter Three November 26, 2007George 5 It is time to wrap up the final installment with blogging neighbor Foxxfur over at Passport to Dreams Old & New. You can [...]
Daily Figment 112 – Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination November 25, 2007George 2 Book ReviewWalt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination by Neal Gabler Clocking in at 851 pages, this is the longest non-Harry Potter [...]
Geek Link: Disney Geek Shout-Out! November 25, 2007George Comment I‘ve made a lot of great friends since Andy and I started Imaginerding (back when it was Disney Geeks). Good friend Richard at [...]
Book Update – The Disney That Never Was November 24, 2007George 2 Disney That Never Was: The Stories and Art of Five Decades of Unproduced Animation looks like it is an an absolutely amazing book. [...]
Book Update – The Disney Way November 24, 2007George Comment There hasn’t been a flurry of Book Updates in awhile because I haven’t wanted to inundate you with so many posts (especially with [...]
Daily Figment 111 – Wish List Double Header November 23, 2007George Comment The day after Thanksgiving is typically one of the busiest shopping days of the year. We don’t want all of you Disney Geeks [...]
Geek Link: These Are a Few of My Favorite Things! November 22, 2007George 4 Two of my biggest passions: Walt Disney World and power pop music. In the early 1990’s, Andy and I were in a band [...]
Daily Figment 110- Seven Seas Lagoon November 22, 2007June 15, 2016George Comment Seven Seas Lagoon We continue our series about discussing the 1976 map of Walt Disney World found on pages 10 and 11 of [...]