Daily Figment 56: Homework September 6, 2007George 3 OK Geeks, Put your wands away, we are only reading today…. In honor of the return of school busses to our highways and [...]
Be Our Guest Post–Honor Hunter from Blue Sky Disney September 5, 2007George 4 We would like to introduce you to a new feature at the Disney Geeks–the Be Our Guest Post series. We want to share [...]
Book Update September 5, 2007George 4 What a nice surprise to come home from a long day at work and find six awesome Disney books laying on the bed [...]
Daily Figment 55 Epcot Center 02 September 5, 2007George 2 This is a continuation of yesterday’s post. Notice in the text that they refer to a Space Pavilion, which never really saw the [...]
Daily Figment 54 Epcot Center 01 September 4, 2007George Comment Whether you arrive by monorail or automobile, the entrance to Epcot Center is through the future. It is Future World that welcomes the [...]
More Books! September 1, 2007George 1 I’ve added two more books to my library: Hidden Mickeys, 3rd Edition: A Field Guide to Walt Disney World’s Best-Kept Secrets The Unofficial [...]
Daily Figment 53 It’s In the Details August 31, 2007George Comment Who doesn’t equate Main St. USA with the sound of horses clopping and the smell of fudge from the Main St. Bakery? It [...]
Daily Figment 52 MouseFest MGM Style August 30, 2007George 1 MouseFest is getting closer. Day-by-day (Check out the counter at the far right). We mentioned earlier that The Disney Geeks will be there [...]
Daily Figment 51 Contemporary Construction August 29, 2007George 5 The Contemporary Resort is one of the iconic buildings of Walt Disney World. You could show most people a picture of it and [...]
Daily Figment 50 “All that Glitters, Ain’t Gold” August 28, 2007George 5 Well, many said we could never do it. A few said we would end up in a fist fight. Some said it would [...]