Carowinds Brew Fest 2016 June 3, 2016June 2, 2016George Comment Carowinds Brew Fest 2016 After the amazing success of the Taste of the Carolinas Food Festival at Carowinds, I’m very excited to hear [...]
Changes at Carowinds! May 23, 2016George Comment Changes at Carowinds I noticed a few changes at Carowinds on my last visit. It was a beautiful day with surprisingly minimal crowds. [...]
Fury 325 Slo Motion Video at Carowinds May 5, 2016May 5, 2016George Comment Fury 325 Slo Motion Video at Carowinds I captured this Fury 325 slo motion video on my last trip to Carowinds. Fury 325 was [...]
One Last Taste from the 2016 Taste of the Carolinas at Carowinds May 3, 2016May 2, 2016George 1 One Last Taste from Carowinds’ Taste of the Carolinas 2016 Food and Wine Festival! We had a few tokens left over from a [...]
Plants vs Zombies Update at Carowinds May 1, 2016George Comment Plants vs Zombies Update at Carowinds A Plants vs Zombies update can happen almost at any time at the new Garden Warfare 3Z [...]
Heart of Ice Sculptures at Carowinds April 13, 2016George Comment Heart of Ice Sculptures at Carowinds Heart of Ice Sculptures returns to Taste of the Carolinas at Carowinds for the second year. My [...]
Carowinds Food Festival 2016 April 12, 2016April 12, 2016George 1 Carowinds Food Festival 2016: Taste of the Carolinas Carowinds food festival, the Taste of the Carolinas, is underway! You can enjoy this unique [...]
Carowinds Taste of the Carolinas 2016 April 11, 2016April 10, 2016George Comment Carowinds Taste of the Carolinas 2016 Carowinds Taste of the Carolinas second annual food festival debuted on Saturday, April 9. It will run [...]
Carowinds Fury 325 at Night! April 6, 2016April 4, 2016George Comment Carowinds Fury 325 at Night! Fury 325 at night is one of those not-to-be-missed opportunities. Of course, riding any roller coaster at night [...]
Carowinds Food Festival Coming Soon! April 5, 2016George Comment Carowinds Food Festival Coming Soon! Taste of the Carolinas, Carowinds signature food and wine festival, is set for weekends starting April 9. I [...]