Communicore Weekly: Fantasia History; Walt Disney World Book; and More July 6, 2015July 15, 2015George Comment Fantasia History (Part One) on Communicore Weekly We’re all about Fantasia history on the latest episode of Communicore Weekly (the Greatest Online Show™). [...]
Golf In the Contemporary Resort April 29, 2015June 20, 2015George 3 Yeah, you read the headline right. We’ve got another weird Walt Disney World moment from Eyes and Ears. From the February, 1975 Eyes [...]
The Story of Walt Disney World 1971 and 1976 Editions August 29, 2011July 7, 2020George 10 Collecting Disney books can be an arduous task when different editions and releases come into play. We know that there are four version [...]
Dump Your Kids on Us! August 4, 2010George 2 —From the October, 1978 WDW News. The graphic caught my eye first. Then, I noticed the amazing hours at the Contemporary! You can [...]
Grand Canyon Concourse September 26, 2008July 7, 2020George 3 Mary Blair’s Mural in the Grand Canyon Concourse! The Fall 2008 issue of Disney Files Magazine covers the new Bay Lake Towers. On [...]