Dick Nunis, Walt’s Apprentice Book Review November 21, 2022November 21, 2022George 1 Walt’s Apprentice: Keeping the Disney Dream Alive by Dick Nunis, a book review For Disney theme park fans, Dick Nunis should be a [...]
Tropical Style Disney Security Costume and Tiny Pants December 25, 2015George 2 I ran across an Eyes and Ears article from 1991 that showed Dick Nunis wearing tiny pants! The longer article stated it was part [...]
Weird Walt Disney World: Wave Machine! March 9, 2015February 25, 2018George 3 Dick Nunis always wanted a Wave Machine at Walt Disney World. It took a few years, but he finally got his $400,000 wave [...]
A Contemporary Look For Summer February 3, 2010December 24, 2015George 6 The May 16, 1991 edition of Eyes and Ears gives the scoop on the latest dress code fashions for supervisory and office personnel [...]
Daily Figment 110- Seven Seas Lagoon November 22, 2007June 15, 2016George Comment Seven Seas Lagoon We continue our series about discussing the 1976 map of Walt Disney World found on pages 10 and 11 of [...]