1975-1976 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Refurbishment May 25, 2015June 16, 2015George Comment Found this great image in a 1976 Eyes and Ears featuring the 1975-1976 refurbishment of the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea attraction in [...]
Can You Guys Step Aside? May 8, 2015June 18, 2015George Comment Not trying to be rude, but I’d appreciate it if you guys (and gals) would step aside so I can see the maps [...]
Golf In the Contemporary Resort April 29, 2015June 20, 2015George 3 Yeah, you read the headline right. We’ve got another weird Walt Disney World moment from Eyes and Ears. From the February, 1975 Eyes [...]
How to Get a Lifetime Pass to Walt Disney World! March 28, 2015November 6, 2015George 2 From the August 30, 1975 Eyes and Ears comes this charming story about Millard C. Jones and his many visits to Walt Disney [...]
Weird Walt Disney World: Wave Machine! March 9, 2015February 25, 2018George 3 Dick Nunis always wanted a Wave Machine at Walt Disney World. It took a few years, but he finally got his $400,000 wave [...]
Saturday Night at the (Walt Disney) World February 15, 2015February 9, 2016George Comment Ran across this article in the April 19, 1975 Eyes and Ears: Walt Disney World is embarking on a whole new exciting world of [...]
The Re’Generation at Walt Disney World January 18, 2015George Comment Sometimes, you never know what you’re going to find when you’re researching for a Disney project. I ran across the following line in [...]
Monorail and Hotel Launches at Walt Disney World January 5, 2015February 28, 2016George Comment I love running across strange little tidbits of information while doing research for various projects. Eyes and Ears, the cast member newsletter of Walt [...]
Disney Fast Food Control Gate December 29, 2014George 1 It’s interesting to see how certain ideas developed and became used in Disney theme parks across the world. During the early years of [...]
If You Had Wings at the Magic Kingdom December 21, 2014George Comment Ran across this item about If You Had Wings in the June 6, 1972 Eyes and Ears Cast Member Newsletter. “If You Had [...]