Moonshine Express and Splash Mountain August 17, 2011George 4 The Walt’s People series by Didier Ghez is one of the hidden gems of Disney-related literature. Didier has collected hundreds of interviews with [...]
Celebrating Walt Disney World: Walt Peregroy and Early Epcot February 16, 2011George 3 October 2011 marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. The Vacation Kingdom has seen [...]
Book Review: Walt’s People Volume 10 by Didier Ghez January 26, 2011George Comment Most tenth anniversaries are celebrated with a gift of tin or aluminum. What do you get a noted Disney historian when he publishes [...]
Walt and Libraries January 19, 2011George 1 Walt’s People, Volume 10 is about to be released by Didier Ghez. This collection of interviews focuses solely on the research that Bob Thomas [...]
Margaret Kerry Dishes on Why Tinkerbell is at Disneyland! December 22, 2010George Comment The Walt’s People series by Didier Ghez (nine volumes released so far) is a fascinating collection of interviews from people that worked with [...]
Sounding Fantasia December 3, 2010February 7, 2016George Comment On page 515 of Volume 9 of the Walt’s People series, we find the following quote from Tom Sito concerning the differences in [...]
Don’t Say Anything to Roy… October 19, 2010George 2 Jack Cutter started at the Disney Studio as an assistant animator in 1929 and eventually worked his way up to Head of the Foreign Department [...]
Book Review: Walt’s People Volume 1 May 6, 2008George 1 Walt’s People Volume 1: Talking Disney With The Artists Who Knew Him by Didier Ghez. (2005, 272 pages.) Didier Ghez runs two very [...]